The recent arrangements to restrict traffic flow in Eastover, East Quay and Salmon parade were a temporary solution to a long-term problem which was recognised in the Eastover Supplementary Planning document, published in 2014:“A major barrier to pedestrian footfall in the town centre from Fore Street to Eastover is the East Quay / Town Bridge…
Bridgwater Transport Forum, working with Bridgwater Town Council, is launching a campaign to encourage drivers to switch off their engines when their vehicle is stationary. A 2019 report linked 40,00 deaths each year to air pollution, and engine idling contributes to these deaths, by increasing exhaust fumes in the atmosphere, which contain carbon dioxide, nitrogen…
Bridgwater people are extremely proud of their history and for the past 4 years ‘Bridgwater History Day’ has been an important part of the towns heritage calendar playing to full houses at the Bridgwater Arts Centre. This year we’re not going to let a global pandemic stop the march of time and so we’re hosting…
Cllr Glen Burrows (Eastover) is Bridgwater Town Council’s Portfolio Holder for Transport. This week she was re-elected to the role and has produced a Sustainable Transport Plan for Bridgwater working with other Councillors and the Bridgwater Transport Forum. Here is that report. VISION Many problems arise from decades of car-centric planning within our towns &…
Bridgwater Town Council has been working with Public Health England and Somerset County Council to ensure that the town urgently gets a centrally based Covid testing centre. Bridgwater Town Hall has been agreed as the location and arrangements are being made to free up on-street car parking so that people with symptoms aren’t forced to…
Bridgwaters with and without the E Report by Cllr Brian Smedley Leader Bridgwater Town Council The rain started then stopped then started again. So, we gave up noticing. It was 2.30pm in the UK and 0930 across the Atlantic. Just over 100 socially distanced Black Lives Matters campaigners had gathered on the Brewery Field, Bridgwater…
As we head for recovery we need to firmly put the promotion of walking and cycling back at the ‘heart’ of any transport strategy. This was the message from Government last week, and it chimes with the thoughts of Bridgwater Town Council who at their first public council meeting during the lockdown period presented…
Across the Country Town Centres are re-opening from Monday 15th June and Councils are getting together to put in place measures to reassure shoppers and traders and to enable social distancing. The key measure across Somerset is a reduction of pedestrian-car conflict with temporary pedestrianisation schemes in place to allow for wider pathways and structured…
Eastover has a lovely park, which runs alongside Cranleigh Gardens. It is well-used by footballers and dog-walkers and has an outdoor gym and tennis court. What it has lacked for a number of years is benches within the park, for people to sit and relax, listen to bird-song or watch a football game. Thanks to…
Musicians, agents, venues, promoters and most of all the audience, are uniting in a campaign to prevent the collapse of the UK live music scene which they fear will be the case without government support. In Bridgwater, the town’s most popular indie venue, the Cobblestones Pub in Eastover, is at the forefront of a campaign …