Bridgwater people are extremely proud of their history and for the past 4 years ‘Bridgwater History Day’ has been an important part of the towns heritage calendar playing to full houses at the Bridgwater Arts Centre. This year we’re not going to let a global pandemic stop the march of time and so we’re hosting the event online!! On Saturday SAT 28TH November from 1030 to 1pm you can tune in to our Open Zoom link and Facebook Live Stream and join in the history! Eastover Councillor Glen Burrows will be the host for the day which you can listen to live as if it was an old fashioned Radio or TV show. Or you can join in. The event will feature films, live talks, a link up with Bridgewater USA, photos of old Bridgwater, songs and stories. The full programme is right here.
This years Programme
1030 Welcome by Cllr Leigh Redman Mayor of Bridgwater
1035 ‘The Bridge in Bridgwater’ (Part 1) The old stone bridge by Miles Kerr Peterson and Tony Woolrich
1050 ‘Bridgwater in Pictures’ Paul Bovett dips into his popular collection of photos of old Bridgy
1105 ‘The Somerset Stop Line’ Brian Smedley looks at World War 2 plans to stop a Nazi invasion right here along the River Parrett- Did the British Government really have plans to bomb the West Side of the town?
1120 ‘The Bridgwater and Taunton Women’s shirt and collar workers’ strike of 1912 by Socialist author and Trades Union activist Dave Chapple
1135 ‘Emelia’s Tale’ a story from the Workhouse by Val Bannister
1150 “Victorian Bridgwater: Singer Susie Clark – one amazing song, ‘The Press Gang’ “ told by Voice of the People Choir Leader Yvette Staelens
1205 “Bridgewater in Massachusetts” Chair of the Historical Commission Stephen Rogan joins us live from the USA to talk about the 2 Bridg(e)waters and the anti-slave trade connection.
1220 “The Bridge in Bridgwater’ (Part 2) the first iron bridge by Miles Kerr Peterson and Tony Woolrich
1230- 1300 Open ended historical discussion chaired by Cllr Glen Burrows
Join us on Zoom here
Time: Nov 28, 2020 10:30 AM London
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