Eastover Councillors to Play key roles on new Councils

Following the May elections in Bridgwater and across Sedgemoor, Eastover has returned a full slate of Labour Councillors with Tony Heywood on Town & District, Li Gibson on District and Glen Burrows on Town. Combined with Dave Loveridge as County Councillor for the ward this puts Eastover in a strong position to have major influence in the months and years ahead.

Eastover councillor Tony Heywood has been elected Mayor of Bridgwater for the year 2019-20 . He took office on 9th May and the public launch of his civic year will start with the Annual Mayor Making event on 24th May. He will also retain his lead role on the Bridgwater Cultural Partnership, helping to organise the Quayside Festival and now, newly elected to Sedgemoor District Council, he will also take up the Shadow portfolio for Commerce and Asset Management.

Li Gibson will pick up the Housing Shadow Portfolio on District and will also take a seat on the Development Control Committee (Planning) whilst on Bridgwater Town Council she has been given the key portfolio for Climate Change and will be fronting a Climate Change forum which will be open to the public.

Glen Burrows has been given the Transport Portfolio on Bridgwater Town council and will chair the succesful Transport Forum. All 3 Eastover councillors will be on the 8 person Town Council Executive.