Introducing Tony Heywood

Tony Heywood

On May 4th Eastover residents will have the chance to elect a new Town Councillor. Labour’s candidate is TONY HEYWOOD.

Tony lives in the centre of Bridgwater with his family. Raised in a close working class family, Tony has always held to Labour values of fairness, equality of opportunity, investment in public services and in the general principle that a healthy society will always act to protect its poorest and most vulnerable citizens.

Tony says,Under the guise of austerity, the Conservatives have imposed damaging cuts to public services that affect all of us. Cuts to Schools, the NHS, Social Care, Learning Disability Services, Youth Services, Highway Maintenance and more. And we now face the prospect of a refuse collection every three weeks!

Tony and Chelsea at the Labour Party campaign launch

As a member of a Labour  Town Council I will work hard to protect the interest of Eastover residents. The decision on Hinkley Point will bring benefits to the town, including the new hotel developments in Eastover, but we must ensure that the negative impact on local communities is kept to an absolute minimum.”

I support the planned improvements to Bridgwater Station and the “Celebration Mile. This will regenerate the area and help bring the centre of gravity of the town back towards Eastover.”

“Having worked on the first phase of residents’ parking in Bridgwater, I have the experience to implement a similar scheme in parts of Eastover. I am also a keen supporter of the ‘Schools 20’ Campaign, inspired  by the staff and parents of Eastover School and Polden Street residents.”