Eastover Councillor Jacqui Solomon is new Mayor of Bridgwater

Each year the 16 Bridgwater Town Councillors choose one of themselves to become Mayor. This ceremonial role is however also the Chair of Council and the chief Ambassador for Bridgwater, not to mention being the Town’s First Citizen for that year. Eastover Councillor Jacqui Solomon was elected for Labour in 2022 and such an impression…

Town Council Provides New Bus Shelter for Busy Eastover Stop

Following requests from residents and workers who use the inbound Bristol road bus stop from outside the Morrisons depot for some shelter during their waits  in all weathers, Bridgwater Town Council has provided a bus shelter. Eastover Town Councillor Jacqui Solomon commented “So pleased to see this new shelter. I have passed by on many…

Benefit Gig for ‘Medical Aid for Palestine’

On Friday 5th April the Bridgwater and District Trades Union Council will be presenting a night of red hot 60’s ska music at Bridgwater’s Cobblestones Pub in Eastover. The gig features Glastonbury ska band the  SKA MECHANICS and will start at 8pm.. Besides the £5 entry, donations for MAP will be accepted on the night …

Former Hospital NOT Being ‘Demolished’

Despite the usual rumour and speculation on social media the former hospital on Salmon Parade is of course NOT being demolished. Ward Councillors Tony Heywood and Jacqui Solomon (Labour Eastover) have been involved in theproject since it started and want to reassure people of the  plans and outcomes. Cllr Solomon said “It is listed and…

Councillors call Cross Rifles Roundabout Decision “Wrong”

Eastover’s county councillors Leigh Redman and Hilary Bruce are up in arms about plans to scrap a project to remodel the busy Cross Rifles Roundabout describing the decisions as ‘wrong’ . The Cross Rifles roundabout was due to receive part of a £10m grant from the government’s levelling up fund but now the plans have…

Eastover Councillor Calls for Dog Owners to be Considerate in Play Areas

Eastover County Councillor  Leigh Redman has received calls from local residents in the area of Union Street about the safety of a local play area and why it is being shut. Cllr Redman says “Between Bristol road and Union street is a small fenced play area for young people, the swings and climbing frames are…

Hiroshima Never Again!

As world super-powers continue to jostle for pre-eminence and the threat of nuclear attack, again rears its ugly head, there is never a more vital time to remember the tragedy of Hiroshima and to campaign for an end to nuclear weapons. On August 6th every year we join with the people of Japan to remember…

Hidden Station Artwork Launched in Bridgwater

The new Hidden Station artwork has been launched at Bridgwater Railway Station and officially opened by the Bridgwater Mayor, Cllr Michael Lerry who said “Bridgwater Station is now the most creative Railway Station in the SouthWest and I congratulate SEED on the way they delivered this project”. Bridgwater Town Council Community portfolio Holder  Cllr Liz…

Bridgwater Labour Party seeks reassurance that Ticket Office remains open

Following the recent announcement of proposed closures of railway ticket offices across the country Bridgwater Labour Party are seeking urgent clarification from GWR regarding their intentions for the Bridgwater Railway Station ticket office. Cllr Tim Mander (Labour, Westover)  who sits on the Bridgwater Town Council Transport Forum commented “I recently attended a site meeting at…

Town Rangers Take on the Bus Station

Following the appointment of two Town Rangers by the Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council a real difference is starting to emerge. When Properties Portfolio Holder, Cllr Tim Mander, visited the Bus and Coach Station at the beginning of May he noticed how the weed overgrowth was starting to make the place look quite down at…