Eastover Councillor Jacqui Solomon is new Mayor of Bridgwater

Each year the 16 Bridgwater Town Councillors choose one of themselves to become Mayor. This ceremonial role is however also the Chair of Council and the chief Ambassador for Bridgwater, not to mention being the Town’s First Citizen for that year. Eastover Councillor Jacqui Solomon was elected for Labour in 2022 and such an impression…

Salmon Parade Hospital Site: Watch this space!

The dilapidated state of the former Bridgwater Hospital on Salmon Parade has worried people for some time now. It has grown increasingly derelict, with both inside and outside the listed building being a target for vandals. But there is good news on the horizon. The owner of the building is now in regular contact with…

Meet Your Eastover Councillors

TUESDAY 2ND JULY 7PM QUEEN ELIZABETH COURT, BLAKE PLACE, BRIDGWATER -meet your councillors for town, district and county councils-raise issues important to you and to the Eastover communityWe hope you will join us. we plan to hold regular sessions, to share problems and ideasGlen Burrows (Town) Tony Heywood (Town & District) Li Gibson (District) Dave…

Eastover Councillors to Play key roles on new Councils

Following the May elections in Bridgwater and across Sedgemoor, Eastover has returned a full slate of Labour Councillors with Tony Heywood on Town & District, Li Gibson on District and Glen Burrows on Town. Combined with Dave Loveridge as County Councillor for the ward this puts Eastover in a strong position to have major influence…

Eastover Ready for May Elections

On May 2nd Sedgemoor District Council and Bridgwater Town Council will be up for election. That means Eastover people will have the chance to vote for their representative -2 on Town and 2 on District. We hope you will vote for all the Labour candidates so that we can keep Bridgwater Labour and challenge the…

Time For the Eastover Clock?

People around Eastover have been asking ‘where’s that old clock that used to be on the Broadway?’ You know, the one that workers on their way to Cellophane used to check to see they were on time (or early, because it was always set fast). Well, ask no more. Although rumours abounded that it was…

Socialist History Conference on September 15th

On Saturday September 15th Bridgwater Trades Union Council hosts Somerset’s second-ever history day with a specific working-class bias and held at Eastovers ‘The Shack’ – or, as it’s also known, the Railway Club on Wellington Road, Bridgwater. Packed with great stories from different episodes of the twentieth century and different towns and villages, the conference…

Happy New Year from your Eastover Councillors!

We hope that 2018 has started well for all of our residents in Eastover – we’ve certainly been busy! 20MPH Outside Our Schools Your councillors Chelsea Chadwick, Dave Loveridge and Tony Heywood are working hard on ensuring that a 20MPH sign is finally put outside our schools. The CIM bid has successfully passed the first…

Luxury Eastover Hotel – An Update

Back in 2015, work started on the luxury hotel in the centre of Bridgwater and in the heart of the Eastover area. You can read our post about it for some background info. The hotel will be the first four-star hotel in the area, and after a visit to the site earlier this week, we…